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Upcoming Events

Square graphic with a dark green background, bright green slime borders, and event details.

Special Edition Queer Recess: Slime Making

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  • LGBTQ+ Equity Center
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Come to the LGBTQ+ Equity Center to make your very own slime with colors and sparkles and beads and alla that!

Square graphic with orange, blue, and pink stripes showing LGBTQ Grad Mixer event details.

LGBTQ+ Grad Student Mixer

The LGBTQ+ Grad Student Mixer is back! Join Graduate Assistants from the LGBTQ+ Equity Center on Wednesday, March 26th from 6:00-8:00PM in the Stamp Union Atrium for an evening of queer grad community-building. Come ready to learn about grad student ...

Square image with pink and blue highlights alerting the community about the Legislative Testimony Program taking place on March 27 from 5:30pm-7pm in Marie Mount Hall.

Use Your Voice: Giving Legislative Testimony

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  • Maryland Room, Marie Mount Hall
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Curious about advocacy work? Learn about the legislative processes of the state, county, and local school boards, then practice your written and oral testimony skills with the help of Trans Maryland’s facilitators! RSVP in advance to help us plan for food and program supplies.

Square graphic with a light green background, black dragon borders, and event details.

Special Edition Queer Recess: Dungeons and Dragons Workshop

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  • LGBTQ+ Equity Center
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Join us to build your mystical persona as well as learning about the wills and thrills of Dungeons and Dragons and more Tabletop RPGs!

[Image Description: A trans-flag patterned testudo (transtudo) holds a bag of icing while frosting a cookie, and a gingerbread person holds a spatula. Sprinkles fall in the background covered by event details.][Image Description: A trans-flag patterned testudo (transtudo) holds a bag of icing while frosting a cookie, and a gingerbread person holds a spatula. Sprinkles fall in the background covered by event details.]

Trans Day of Visibility Cookie Decorating

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  • UMD Campus Pantry
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Decorate a Transtudo cookie in honor of Trans Day of Visibility!

Event Ad featuring a quote from Alice Walker: "The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any."

Q'mmunity Kiki & Dinner

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  • Atrium (1107), Stamp Student Union
  • Events

Let's Have a Kiki! Join us for a space filled with community, joy, dialogue, music, and food.

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