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Use Your Voice: Giving Legislative Testimony

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  • Event Location Maryland Room, Marie Mount Hall
Square image with pink and blue highlights alerting the community about the Legislative Testimony Program taking place on March 27 from 5:30pm-7pm in Marie Mount Hall.


Curious about advocacy work? Learn about the legislative processes of the state, county, and local school boards, then practice your written and oral testimony skills with the help of Trans Maryland’s facilitators! RSVP in advance to help us plan for food and program supplies. 

This program is being facilitated in partnership with Trans Maryland. Trans Maryland is a multi-racial, multi-gender community power building organization for Maryland’s trans community. In addition to our work running the state’s largest name and gender marker change program, in which we offer peer-to-peer guidance and financial assistance to Marylanders seeking a name and gender marker change, we also regularly advocate on policy priorities impacting our communities at the state and local level.

Facilitator Bios Coming Soon.

For questions or disability accommodations, please contact Dr. Kristopher Oliveira at
